エチオピア公衆衛生研究所(EPHI)の要請により、アディスアベバ・ボレ国際空港に到着する全ての乗客を対象に、サル痘に関する電子健康申告書(e-Health declaration form)への記入、QRコードの取得が求められることとなりました。
Monkeypox Registration Certificate
To protect your health, your family, and others, FDRE Ministry of Health, Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) requires you to complete this form before boa...
Requirement for Passengers to fill e-Health Declaration form for Monkey Pox.
As per the requirement of the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, all passengers destined to Addis Ababa Bole International Airport are required to fill the Monkey-pox e-Health declaration form and obtain a QR code.
Please use the link below to access the form:
All passengers are required to comply with this requirement and show the evidences to the public health professionals at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport.